Tuesday, September 28, 2010


First Stop Yangon (formally Rangoon)

We only spent two nights in Yangon mainly because we spent 5 days there earlier this year; we enjoyed it so much we wanted to see more of Myanmar this time around. Whilst in Yangon we revisited Bogyoke Aung San Market , (some still call it by its former name Scott’s market named after Mr. C Scott the then Municipal Commissioner).  Our agenda for the following day was Shwedagon Pagoda, you can easily spend at least 3 or 4 hours walking around this Pagoda, it is also a great place to sit and reflect.

 My husband having a peaceful
moment with two monks, actually it turned into 1 hour moment.

Bogyoke Aung San Market
 It is a beautiful old colonial building built in 1926 at the end of the British rule of Burma and was named after James George Scott; he is also renowned for introducing football to Myanmar. Today it is called Bogyoke Aung San market in honor of national leader General Aung San, the father of Aung San Suu Kye who has been held under house arrest for the past 14 years. Her father General Aung San was instrumental in negotiating Burma’s independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 he was assassinated in that same year by his rivals.  Aung San Suu Kye

A popular place for tourist, the main central structure of Bogyoke Market has huge high ceiling, in this central part you will find small shops selling mostly jewelry, jade, precious and semi precious stones, wood carvings, marble sculptures, and semi precious stone paintings. This central part of the building is surrounded by two story colonial style buildings which are connected to the main central part, the outer buildings house numerous individual shops ranging from tailors, gem cutter, jewelry shops’, art galleries, dress makers, material shops and antique shops and clothing shops these are accessible by a series of narrow cobblestone lanes. The central part of the market is a great place to buy Myanmar’s arts and crafts from all over Myanmar. There is a huge variety of crafts all under one roof. One could easily spend a whole day exploring this market area and it’s surroundings. 

The front Entrance to Bogyoke Market

One of the cobble stoned streets adjoining the central market area - quaint

For those of you who have been to Yangon you will recognize this lady, The background shows the central part of the market
More to come..........................


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